Comments on: A Visit With Kevin Sousa And The Game-Changing Superior Motors Ideas Involving Pittsburgh Fri, 30 Oct 2015 12:45:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mark Ester Thu, 29 Oct 2015 16:42:29 +0000 Mike,
You’re really doubling down on stupidity.

You ask: “Why not get a loan from a commercial bank or put the restaurant in another building that is not owned by Fettermnan.”

Sousa tried to get a loan from a commercial bank for the project long before the Kickstarter campaign, and none were willing to make a loan, that’s why they did the Kickstarter campaign in the first place. Once they did get started with construction, Sousa went back to the commercial banks to get a loan to cover the unforeseen cost overruns that the architect did not identify, and AGAIN, NONE were willing to make a loan. Feel free to make the loan yourself.

As far as using another building, I’m not aware of any other building owners offering lifetime free rent in Braddock or anywhere else. Perhaps you would be willing to offer up the space yourself?

As already mentioned, Fetterman has offered FREE RENT FOR LIFE. Not 5 years, not 10 years, not 20 years, FREE RENT FOR LIFE. If Fetterman has an agenda here other than trying to get a restaurant and training program off the ground, he has to be the world’s worst negotiator, and I’ll give him the benefit of the doubt on that one considering Harvard let him in.

You don’t have to support the project, but I can’t fathom why anyone, especially someone who knows nothing about it, would take the time to throw stones at it. You should set higher goals for yourself than being an internet troll.

By: Mike Feltin Thu, 29 Oct 2015 04:01:26 +0000 Mark

i absolutely know a conflict of interest. The non profit loan is being used to improve the property The moment money is used to improve a property the property gets more valuable…benefit is created from that activity . Loaning someone money from a non profit that you control to improve a property you own that in the end will be more valuable is a conflict of interest.

Why not get a loan from a commercial bank or put the restaurant in another building that is not owned by Fettermnan.

I have no doubt that what he does for that community is of great benefit and the restaurant will push revitalization.

It just appears to be a little self serving.

By: Mark Ester Thu, 29 Oct 2015 01:17:03 +0000 Eric,
Fetterman was reelected to his third term by an 8-1 margin. I think most Braddock residents (actually 8 out of 9) would disagree with you.

I’m not sure what trenches you’re referring to either. Fetterman and Sousa both live in Braddock with their families. There ain’t exactly a good side of the tracks in Braddock. If Braddock has trenches, which I wasn’t aware it did, Fetterman and Sousa are in them with the rest of the residents.

It’s well know that the P-G article was filled with innuendo and no facts and was thoroughly discredited. Members of the P-G staff even distanced themselves from it. I’m not sure if you’re that miserable a human being or just a troll, but you’re pushing a very strange agenda.

By: Mark Ester Thu, 29 Oct 2015 01:07:32 +0000 Mike, I have to assume that you don’t know what conflict of interest means. The loan is to renovate only that portion of the building that Fetterman has given a lifetime lease to Sousa to operate the restaurant and training facilities AT NO COST. Fetterman has zero to gain in that transaction. If anything, he loses on it because who the heck wants to live on top of a restaurant.

I also noticed you called Braddock Redux a “non-profit” in quotes, which most would infer that you’re suggesting Fetterman is making money from it. You can look at the books yourself, Fetterman has never taken one penny from Braddock Redux and only puts tens of thousands of his own money into it. That’s a fact that you can verify yourself.

I do have an idea for you though, if you’re so concerned about the impropriety of it all, you can give Mr. Sousa rent free space in your own building and loan him the money to make the improvements for the restaurant and training facilities.

By: Kevin Creagh Wed, 28 Oct 2015 17:58:58 +0000 Have you read Kevin Sousa’s reply (with documented evidence) that refutes virtually everything in the P-G article?

By: Eric Clipperton Wed, 28 Oct 2015 17:54:09 +0000 No interest in discussing ethics, Kevin?

How about the ethics of over-promising and under-delivering? Because that’s what Sousa has repeatedly done. The PG article is far from a “hit piece.” It discusses Sousa’s financial difficulties. When Sousa promises a restaurant that will help transform Braddock, his history of over-promising and then walking away from troubled businesses is nothing if not germane. Surprise surprise, his financial problems have followed him to Braddock.

And let’s not even start with the utter failure of Braddock Redux to bring structural change to Braddock and it’s black residents. Grafting white artists onto Braddock doesn’t help the people in the trenches. The “any ‘improvement’ is a good one” theory is a load of BS.

By: Kevin Creagh Wed, 28 Oct 2015 16:36:19 +0000 Any improvement in Braddock should be encouraged. Feel free to debate the ethics of it, but I have no interest in doing so.

By: Mike Feltin Wed, 28 Oct 2015 14:37:50 +0000 Doesn’t Fetterman own the building that is being renovated? Isn’t it a conflict of interest for a “non profit” he controls to give a loan to renovate a building he owns?
