Comments on: Believe Women, Not Jung-ho Kang Ideas Involving Pittsburgh Fri, 10 Feb 2017 15:14:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: Eric Thu, 17 Nov 2016 10:36:36 +0000 “In court people are innocent until proven guilty.” LOL. That’s what they tell you. Civics class in public schools teach this. We got civil rights ect… You’ve not been in court much have you? It’s lies. Sure if you have $ for an attorney you have your civil rights. If you’re poor, you are in for some serious abuse of power. Here in CA some of the most corrupt courts in America judges make up rules as they go along. Right to a hearing? Not always. Temporary rulings become permanent by inaction by the courts.
Let me tell you a good joke… The California Judcial Commssion. Appeals are for those who can afford a lawyer. There is almost nothing that can or is done about routine violations of civil rights.

Women make false accusations more often than you might like to think. Harvard says 25% of rape claimes are false! Ask I’ll email you their study. Women make accusations a lot & corrupt courts devoid of honesty carry out vendettas. I’ve know of two guys over my life time in the local community who raped a woman. I know three who were found to be falsely accused by a vengeful woman. I’ll never believe jail time is warranted on accusations without evidence. I very well might believe the accuser but without evidence I can’t be ok with a guilty verdict. In the court of law you’re treated guilty until proven innocent, while saying innocent until proven guilty.

By: dan Sat, 01 Oct 2016 23:46:01 +0000 It is highly unusual for a woman to go to the man’s residence on the very first meeting, especially from a dating app. Believe it or not, there ARE women not looking for a relationship at all but rather are hookers or money-fleecing con artists. Why would he need to drug her if she shows up at his hotel room? She even refuses to cooperate with the police: “Jung Ho Kang’s alleged assault victim, ‘despite numerous attempts, we have additional questions for the victim but she has not made herself available to police.” Does that not raise a couple of red flags?

“Believe women. Believe. Women.” Really? Just blindly believe women? Sure, that turned out great on Rolling Stone’s coverage on UVA didn’t it.

By: Kurt Hackimer Sun, 17 Jul 2016 23:25:28 +0000 I figure since a dude with a Wikipedia page is joining the conversation, I should probably comment.

You’re right. The statement in question lacked context and was a mistake. This article was meant to comment on the public reaction to Kang’s and other similar well-publicized accusations, not to suggest that a defendant’s basic legal rights be ignored in this or any other situation. It was my intention to introduce the public’s reaction and legal process as separate issues that abide by very different rules, but I didn’t adequately convey that point. I stand by the rest of my article and, after some internal debate, I decided to edit that portion of the article to provide more appropriate context. That wasn’t the impression that I intended to make.

By: TPM Sun, 17 Jul 2016 20:14:27 +0000 The Bumble App is a one way app. Women can contact men. Men cannot use it to contact women. A scammer could use this to set up a naïve ballplayer. She could …
1. contact him
2. meet him at his hotel
3. Bang his socks off, while capturing a load of Korean semen for evidence
4. take a date rape drug on her way to catch a cab, so that the drug is in her system, when she’s examined.

I’m not saying this is what happened. BUT, if I were a scammer, looking to set up a rich ballplayer, that’s how I’d do it.

By: Joe Sun, 17 Jul 2016 19:29:19 +0000 You should be absolutely ashamed by this article. It is never, NEVER the responsibility of the accused to prove their innocence! The burden of proof is always on the accuser, as it F-ing should be! Making statements like this is truly troubling. But hey, why let evidence and facts get in the way?

By: David J. Garrow Sun, 17 Jul 2016 19:21:09 +0000 This statement: “it’s also important to remember that the burden of proof lies on his shoulders rather than on the victim’s,” is unbelievably ignorant and erroneous, at least in the United States of America. No blog should be accepting contributions from someone who’s this totally ignorant of America’s legal traditions and fundamental constitutional rights.

By: suzy Sat, 16 Jul 2016 17:18:18 +0000 And that is a lovely idea, if it were actually true. But let’s face it, the victim of a rape always has to prove why they *didn’t* have it coming (alcohol, short skirts, didn’t fight “enough”, etc.) Why can’t we assume there are not millions of sociopaths trying to ruin lives with false rape accusations?

By: Scott Fri, 15 Jul 2016 19:42:25 +0000 It’s not the “court of public opinion” that is the real problem in cases like these, rather it’s the “court of media opinion”, who condemn the accused sports stars from the first moment of accusation, instead of allowing the legal process to play out before continuously shaming/bashing the accused…just as this column has shown. By the time the legal process plays out in cases such as this, despite whether they are charged with a crime or not, let alone convicted or not, the athletes reputation has been dragged through the mud hundreds of times by the media, and takes years, if ever, to rebuild.

By: Brad Thu, 14 Jul 2016 22:16:55 +0000 Are you sure that the “facts” you presented in your column are actually facts. That they met on bumble and they were in a hotel room together ect. ect.? Also I’m sick of this shtick of the columnist accusing “soceity” of victim blaming for some people (not all of soceity) stating that a woman should not put themselves in dangerous situations. If I’m walking in a notoriously bad part of town at 3am and get beat up and robbed my wife would say what the hell were you doing there at 3am? That’s not mitigating the criminal’s role in the crime as the sole perpetrator and is, simultaneously, a valid question to ask. When it comes to violence against women, soceity is not the problem, sports is not the problem, and S. Korea is not the problem, rapists are the problem period, end of discussion

By: T Thu, 14 Jul 2016 20:50:49 +0000 Actually you’re innocent until proven guilty, so technically the burden of proof is on the prosecution
